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White Washed Wood

Free patterns for our members and friends.

Free patterns for your Hooktoberfest mats. 

Click on a picture to get a pdf. of the pattern.   Easily printed on 8.5 x 11 paper.

Please credit the designer when labeling, displaying, or posting your finished mat.

Maple Leaf Mat (c) HGK final.jpg

Maple Leaf Mat ©   8 x 8

lauren pumpkin final.jpg

Goodnight Pumpkin © 2022

Lauren Fuqua

6 x 13

Please read: This pattern prints on two sheets of paper.  Be sure to click on the buttons and print both Page 1 and Page 2. 

Follow the instructions on the pages

White Washed Wood
Oak and Acorn jpeg 1.jpg

Sunflower Corner ©  8 x 8

Oak and Acorn Mat ©  8 x 8

Sunflower Corner.jpg

Crooked River Rug Hookers © 2017 All rights reserved.  Photos and rug designs are

courtesy of the artist and designer.  Please respect our artists.  All copyright laws apply.

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